English / 中文
Install Fidelius
- Ensure that you have the following required operating systems:
- Ubuntu 20.04 LTS Server 64bits
- Ensure that you have SGX enable both in BIOS and CPU, follow the README.md in the SGX-hardware project.
- Download libsgx_enclave_common.so and libsgx_urts.so, then install.
$ sudo dpkg -i libsgx-enclave-common_2.13.103.1-xenial1_amd64.deb libsgx-urts_2.13.103.1-xenial1_amd64.deb
- To install the additional required tools by apt install (protobuf, glog, boost and cppconn for example)
$ sudo apt install build-essential ocaml ocamlbuild automake autoconf libtool wget python libssl-dev git cmake perl
$ sudo apt install libssl-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev protobuf-compiler libprotobuf-dev debhelper cmake reprepro unzip
$ sudo apt install mysql-server libgoogle-glog-dev libboost-all-dev libmysqlcppconn-dev
Install YeeZ Privacy Computing
- Download public key of YeeZ repository:
$ wget -O yeez-pkey.pem https://repo.yeez.tech/public-key-yeez.txt
- Add the public key:
$ sudo apt-key add yeez-pkey.pem
- Add YeeZ repository to software source:
$ echo -e "deb https://repo.yeez.tech/ release main" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list
- Update software source and install Fidelius:
$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install secp256k1 fflib ypc-common ypc-core ykeymgr stbox-common-u ydump yterminus fid-datahub fid-analyzer example-iris
Run Fidelius
Example (Iris data as data source, run K-Means algorithm)
- 1. Prepare sealed data for analyzing.
$ data_provider --data-url /path/to/ypc/bin/iris.data --plugin-path /usr/local/lib/libiris_reader.so --sealed-data-url iris.sealed --output iris.sealed.output --sealer-path /usr/local/lib/edatahub.signed.so
NOTE: --data-url
should be the correct path to iris data.
- 2. Generate a Secp256k1 key pair for data provider, the key is generated in
- 3. Sign the hash of iris data using the Secp256k1 private key.
$ keymgr_tool --sign $DATA_HASH --sign.hex --sign.private-key $SEALED_PRIVATE_KEY
is the value of data_id
in file iris.sealed.output
generated in step 1, and $SEALED_PRIVATE_KEY is the value of private_key
in Secp256k1 key file generated in step 2.
- 4. Generate a Secp256k1 key pair for data consumer, note that data consumer can generate such key pair without SGX dependency.
$ yterminus --gen-key --no-password --output iris.key.json
- 5. Fetch the enclave hash of K-Means algorithm.
$ ydump --enclave /usr/local/lib/iris_parser.signed.so --output info.json
- 6. Encrpty analysis parameters.
$ yterminus --dhash $DATA_HASH --tee-pubkey $PROVIDER_PUBLIC_KEY --use-param 123 --param-format text --use-enclave-hash $ENCLAVE_HASH --output iris_param.json --use-privatekey-file iris.key.json
is the value of data_id
in file iris.sealed.output
generated in step 1, $PROVIDER_PUBLIC_KEY
is the value of public_key
in Secp256k1 key file in step 2, and $ENCLAVE_HASH
is the value of enclave-hash
in file info.json
in step 5.
- 7. Run K-Means algorithm using iris data.
$ GLOG_logtostderr=1 fid_analyzer --sealed-data-url iris.sealed --sealer-path /usr/local/lib/edatahub.signed.so --parser-path /usr/local/lib/iris_parser.signed.so --keymgr /usr/local/lib/keymgr.signed.so --source-type json --param-path iris_param.json --result-path iris.result.encrypted --check-data-hash $DATA_HASH
is the value of data_id
in file iris.sealed.output
generated in step 1.
- 8. Decrypt analysis result.
$ yterminus --decrypt-hex $ENCRYPTED_RESULT --use-privatekey-file iris.key.json --output result.output
is the value of encrypted-result
in file iris.result.encrypted
generated in step 7.